Fighter Pilots have Business Brains

What do fighter pilots in the US Military have in common with successful business leaders everywhere?

They strive for FLAWLESS EXECUTION®.

The concepts Jim Murphy developed and utilized in business and the U.S. Air Force would become known as Flawless Execution®. Applying Flawless Execution’s continuous cycle of planning, briefing, executing, and debriefing, he increased his new employer’s sales from $5 million to $52 million per year. 
Realizing that all companies and organizations could benefit from these same concepts, “Murph” started Afterburner Incorporated in early 1996. 

The key concepts are as follows:

In order to WIN BIG in business, you have to Plan, Brief, Execute, and Debrief your mission:

Step 1: PLAN
• Determine the Mission Objective
• Identify the Threats
• Identify your available and required resources
• Evaluate Lessons Learned Previously
• Develop a course of action
• Plan for Contingencies

Step 2: BRIEF
Discuss the PLAN’s points with the team who will be carrying out and monitoring the mission.

Ensure everyone knows how to tell if the mission is proceeding successfully, (how it’s tracked, coordinated, and communicated) and if it’s not working out, how to change behaviours to complete the desired mission.

Debriefing ACCELERATES EXCELLENCE: Whether the Mission was completed successfully or not, ensure everyone has a chance to add their input on what worked, what didn’t, and make recommendations for the “next time”. This is how everyone learns to do better. Make it safe for people to speak their minds without fear of retribution.

To learn more about Afterburner Inc. and  Jim Murphy’s Flawless Execution®, go to or check out these books:

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